Ednoub Private Program

To Autumn Bangla Summary with Full Analysis

To Autumn 

By John Keats 

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,

   Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;

Conspiring with him how to load and bless

   With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;

To bend with apples the moss'd cottage-trees,

   And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;

      To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells

   With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,

And still more, later flowers for the bees,

Until they think warm days will never cease,

      For summer has o'er-brimm'd their clammy cells.

👉বাংলা সামারিঃ

শরৎকালকে সম্বোধন ও এর প্রাচুর্য বর্ণনা করে কবিতা শুরু হয়েছে। কবি শব্দচিত্রের মাধ্যমে শরতের প্রাণবন্ত ছবি ফুটে তুলেছেন যা আমাদের অনুভূতিকে তৃপ্ত করে। ফলের পরিপক্কতা আনতে শরৎকাল  সূর্যের সাথে সক্রিয়ভাবে সহযোগিতা করে। এই ঋতুতে আঙ্গুরফল পাকে যা ছাদের ধারে ঝুলে থাকে। আপেল গাছের ডাল আপেলের ওজনে প্রায় মাটিতে নুইয়ে পরে । লাউ তার সর্বোচ্চ আকার অর্জন করে। কাঠবাদাম  মিষ্টি কার্নেল দিয়ে ভরে যায়। এই ঋতুতে প্রচুর ফুল ফোটে এবং মৌমাছিরা ফুল থেকে মধু সংগ্রহ করে। মধুতে ভরা মৌচাকের আঠালো কোষগুলিও শরতে মোহনীয় হয়ে উঠে।


The poem opens with addressing the season,, Autumn, describing its aboundance. The poet has given the vivid pictures of autumn through word painting that gratifies our senses. Autumn actively cooperates with the sun to bring about the maturity of fruits. During this season the grapes ripen that hang around the edges of thatched roofs. The branches of apple trees have been bowed nearly to the ground with the weight of apples. The gourd attains its maximum size. The hazelnuts are filled with sweet kernel. The flowers also bloom profusely in this season and the bees collect honey from the flowers. The sticky cells of the beehives filled with honey are also the charms of autumn.


The main themes of the poem is the passage of time, contentment (or resignation) and the natural world. The theme of the passage of time encompasses a couple of motifs such as transformations and mortality, while the theme of the natural world is enhanced by the motif of awe and amazement. This theme pervades the entire poem's composition. At the more evident level, each stanza marks a different autumn stage. The first stanza describes autumn in the beginning when it's still warm, the fruits are ripe, late flowers still bloom, and seeds are sown. The second stanza describes the time of harvest which comes later on, while the third stanza focuses on the upcoming departure of migratory birds, closer to winter. If the theme of time is more obvious, the theme of contentment is harder to grasp, particularly if one is not familiar with the speaker's previous odes. In earlier odes of the poet, the speaker seems to rebel against ideas of the passage of time and on the impact it has on him. However, in this ode, the speaker is just an observer, which suggests that he has made peace with time fleeting and bringing him closer to an end, The theme of the natural world is probably the most obvious one, as the poem is exclusively focused on describing nature during autumn, and no other human character is presented except for the speaker who observes the splendour of the natural life. The poem is also more focused on the vegetal/plant world as it describes flowers, fruits, seeds, crops, etc.

👉As an Ode

An ode is a form of poetry such as sonnet or elegy. Ode is a literary technique that is lyrical in nature, but not very lengthy. We have often read odes in which poets praise people, natural scenes, and abstract ideas. Ode is derived from a Greek word aeidein, which means to chant or sing. It is highly solemn and serious in its tone and subject matter, and usually is used with elaborate patterns of stanzas. However, the tone is often formal. A salient feature of ode is its uniform metrical feet, but poets generally do not strictly follow this rule though use highly elevated theme.

Considering the above analysis we can assume that the excerpt is an ode. It may be called the Pindaric or regular ode. Pindar, the Greek poet, wrote odes to praise and glorify someone. The poet in this poem addresses the season as the close bosom friend of the maturing sun. The poet possesses a very high notion about the season of Autumn. He praises the Autumn saying that it is the season of fruitfulness; it is the close friend of maturing sun. The stanza is in complex form varying in line length. Again, like an ode the excerpt bears the personal view of the poet about autumn but it has a universal value. The poet has also written this excerpt praising the colour, products, activities and sounds of autumn. Thus, the poem is a quite successful lyric written as an ode.

👉Poet's Position & Tone

A poem can be written from an objective point of view or from a subjective viewpoint. The poem is objective if the poet deals with some universal themes. On the, the poem is subjective if the theme of the poem is personal. Considering the above criteria we can presume that the position of the poet in the above excerpt is objective. Throughout the stanza there is the description of the bounty and riches of the autumn season. The description is not personal as it is real and universally praised. We don't find any personal liking, disliking and feeling of the poet. Thus, the poet has been successful in separating himself from the excerpt.

The tone of the excerpt is friendly, sincere, earnest and objective. The speaker gives an impersonal attitude to glorify the season. The speaker highlights on the close bond between the sun and the season. The couple conspire themselves to load and bless the vines with fruits. The speaker also objectively gives the description of other fruits, flowers and riches of the autumn. He shows no narrowness in delineating the picture of autumn. Thus, the poet sees the season as a natural course of events without any personal tone.


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