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Linguistic and Literary Terms pdf

Linguistic and Literary Terms pdf
Literary Terms pdf Linguistics pdf

This pdf file contains with the most important Linguistics & Literary Terms and their details. There are 56 pages. So, download now to read complete file.

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👉Accent: (Lat. 'like song') Another word for STRESS. The emphasis on a syllable. 'Accent' is frequently used to denote stress in descriptions of verse.

👉Acrostic: (Gk. 'end of verse-lines') Verse in which the first letters of each line (or, more rarely, the middle or final letters), when read together, make up a word, or a verbal pattern, for instance, ABC etc.

👉Aesthetics: (Gk. things perceptible to the senses) The name given to the philosophical study ot the nature of beauty: it concerns appreciation, definition and citicism of the beautiful, and the theory of taste.Some philosophers, notably the German philosopheer Immanuel Kant, used aesthetic' in a broader sense to mean pertaining to the philosophy of perception through the senses. Its Current use dates from Aesthetica (1750-8), by the German philosopher A.G. Baumgarten, which examines the theory of taste. Aesthetic (adj.) is sometimes used colloquially in a weak sense to mean beautiful or tasteful. It may refer to the study of aesthetics, or apply to the ideas of the cultural phenomenon called AESTHETICISM.

👉Allegory. (Gk. 'speaking otherwise) Allegory is difficult to define neatly because the word refers as much to the method by which a piece of literature is interpreted as to any inherent aspects of the work itself. The simplest form of allegory consists of a story or situation written in such a way as to have two coherent meanings. Thus in Dryden's Absalom and Achitophel (1681) biblical figures represent contemporary historical personalities: King David is Charles I1, Absalom is Charles's bastard son the Duke of Monmouth, Achitophel is the Earl of Shaftesbury, and so on. The Bible story is Used to make a concealed satirical comment on politics. The poem exists as an autonomous narrative, but for those who understand its hidden system of meanings it has a clear and specific political S1gnificance. This coherent system of a hidden second meaning is An allegory may, however, suggest more than one system of Characteristic of allegory canings and interpretations. In spenser s 1ne Faerne Queene (1590, 1596) the Fairy Oueen herself is both Elizabeth I of England, and ulory, an ideal. The Faerie Queene iS too varied a narrative to lend Self to one single thread of interpretation.

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File NameLinguistic and Literary Terms
File type: PDF
Elements: Basic Conception of Linguistics, Details of literary terms,  Important short notes on History of English Literature

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