Comment on Dr. Johnson’s views of metaphysical poetry in his ‘The Life of Cowley’. [NU-‘14,‘18]
Ans. Metaphysical poetry is a
poetry which has been inspired by a philosophic conception of the universe. In
metaphysical poetry, we find the comprehension of life unified, illumined,
intensified and heightened but the poet’s personal consciousness of joy and
sorrow, hope and fear, revealing to him in the history of his own soul. A
metaphysical poet carries sensation into the boldest conception, profoundest
intuition and subtlest and most complex classification.
However, Dr. Johnson has followed Sprat for
guidance but he does not fail to give his own ideas and opinions. He has
compared two great poets of dissimilar genius – Milton and Cowley. He has shown
that Cowley and Milton may be compared but the advantages seems to lie on the
side of Cowley. Milton expresses the thoughts of ancients in their language,
but Cowley, without much loss of purity and elegance, accommodates the diction
of Rome to his own conception.
The metaphysical poets usually wrote love poems
and religious poems. John Donne, Andrew Marvell, Abraham Cowley and Henry
Vaughan wrote both types of poems. According to Dr. Johnson, the love poems of
the metaphysicals have a different character and philosophy. Cowley added more
perplexities to love. With the passage of time, love also changes its
character. Earlier, ‘Flesh’ was an important theme in love, but with the age,
it changes in and that can be perceived in him now. Everything is inconstant.
Incest is now a taboo and now attraction of flesh withers away. Dr. Johnson
emphasises that the tears of lovers are of great poetical accounts and it is
difficult to be properly comprehended. The readers have to read it again and
again to find its proper meaning.
Dr. Johnson finds two souls are combined and mixed
and the two become one in Donne’s love poems. Cowley describes his ‘Mistress’ –
bathing wonderful. According to Dr. Johnson, Cowley may be considered to be the
best of metaphysical poets and he had a great variety of style and sentiment.
We may conclude with the theory of Dr. Johnson
that Cowley was a greater poet than Donne. His style of writing was remarkable.
Cowley was a wonderful poet no doubt but it is not fair to comment that in
adopting the metaphysical style, he surpassed his predecessors.
Written & Edited By
BIBLIOGRAPHY – Textbook (FBC), A Study Guide (FBC) & Handnote Series (Lecture).
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