5 most notable Quotations from each dramas
★Oedipus Rex
★Arms and the Man
★Riders to the Sea
★The Lion and the Jewel
★ Oedipus Rex by Sophocles:
01. "The truth, Oedipus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves."
02. "Time, which sees all things, has found you out."
03. "For whoso slew that king might have a mind to strike me too, with his assassin hand."
04. "I count him no true man who is not moved by wailings and the tears of helpless children."
05. "Call no man happy till he is dead."
★ Arms and the Man by George Bernard Shaw:
01. "War does not ennoble men; it turns them into dogs."
02. "My heart is at ease now, that I have you, for you are finer than any of them."
03. "You are the only man I ever met who did not tell me I was beautiful."
04. "Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker."
05. "It is easy to be brave from a safe distance."
★ Riders to the Sea by J.M. Synge:
01. "No man at all can be living forever, and we must be satisfied."
02. "I've had a husband, and a husband's father, and six sons in this house—six fine men, though it was a hard birth I had with every one of them and they coming to the world."
03. "He's gone now, God spare us, and there's nothing more can do him."
04. "It's destroyed we'll be surely, and we after eating the bread of life till we're destroyed and destroyed."
05. "There isn't anything more the sea can do to me."
★ The Lion and the Jewel by Wole Soyinka:
01. "If I am the swallow, then you must be the ocean that has brought me here."
02. "You cannot throw dust into the eyes of the gods."
03. "But a thing is not beautiful because it lasts."
04. "A man is like a rusty corrugated roof-sheet... he never knows when the rain will come along and wash the rust away."
05. "A lady's past is like yesterday's newspaper: used to wrap up today's lunch."
3rd and 4th quotations from "Riders to the Sea" are not in the main text. I checked twice, couldn’t find out.
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