Ednoub Private Program

Master’s Final Term Paper PDF for English Department : W. B. Yeats is an Irish National Poet

Creating a term paper on "W. B. Yeats as an Irish National Poet" involves several key components to ensure a comprehensive analysis of Yeats's contributions to literature and his role in shaping Irish identity. Here’s a structured approach to help you craft a well-rounded term paper:

Title Page

Title: W. B. Yeats as an Irish National Poet

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Contextual Background: Briefly introduce W. B. Yeats, highlighting his significance as a poet, playwright, and nationalist. Mention his birth in 1865 in Dublin and the influence of Irish folklore and mythology on his work.

Thesis Statement: Present your main argument, such as how Yeats's poetry reflects his commitment to Irish nationalism and cultural identity.

Historical Context

Irish Nationalism: Discuss the political and cultural landscape of Ireland during Yeats's lifetime, focusing on the struggle for independence and the role of the arts in this movement.

Yeats's Involvement: Explain Yeats's active participation in nationalist organizations like the Gaelic League and his relationships with other cultural figures, including Lady Gregory and John Synge.

Analysis of Yeats's Poetry

Themes of National Identity: Examine how Yeats's poetry articulates the complexities of Irish identity. Highlight specific poems such as "Easter 1916," which reflects on the Easter Rising and the sacrifices made for Irish freedom.

Use of Mythology: Analyze Yeats’s incorporation of Irish mythology and folklore in his work, such as "The Lake Isle of Innisfree," and how these elements serve to connect the Irish people to their cultural heritage.

Symbolism and Imagery: Discuss the symbols and images Yeats uses to evoke a sense of national pride, such as the rose and the hawk, and their significance in the context of Irish nationalism.

Yeats’s Contribution to Irish Literature

Literary Influence: Address how Yeats paved the way for future generations of Irish writers and poets, establishing a distinctive voice that combined modernist techniques with traditional Irish themes.

Cultural Legacy: Reflect on Yeats's legacy as a national poet and his impact on the Irish literary canon, including his later works that address themes of aging and the search for meaning.


Summation of Key Points: Reiterate the main arguments made in the paper, emphasizing Yeats’s dual role as a poet and a national figure.

Final Thoughts: Conclude with a reflection on the enduring relevance of Yeats's work in contemporary discussions of Irish identity and nationalism.


Compile a list of scholarly sources, including books, journal articles, and credible websites that provide insights into Yeats’s life, work, and the socio-political context of Ireland. Examples might include:

"W. B. Yeats: A Critical Introduction" by Richard J. Finneran

"The Collected Poems of W. B. Yeats" for primary text analysis

Scholarly articles from journals like "The Irish Review" or "Modern Fiction Studies"

Download Sample Term Paper (PDF)

Additional Tips

Research Thoroughly: Utilize library resources, academic databases, and reliable online sources to gather information and critical analyses of Yeats's work.

Draft and Revise: Write multiple drafts, allowing time for feedback from peers or your instructor to refine your arguments and improve clarity.

Cite Properly: Follow the required citation style (APA, MLA, etc.) consistently throughout your paper.

By following this structured approach, you can develop a well-rounded term paper that effectively explores W. B. Yeats's role as an Irish national poet and his enduring influence on literature and culture.

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